Mini Funk Dance Class
18months - 3yrs
This class is an introduction to music and movement, where students learn dance, singing and drama. Students will develop their confidence, motor skills and coordination whilst listening and dancing to their favourite music. Creative freestyle moves, character work and beats and rhythm of music with dance props such as percussion instruments, ribbons and pom poms makes this a fun and exciting class for all involved! Parents / carers remain in the class and have the opportunity to either watch or dance along with their children.
This class is an introduction to music and movement, where students learn dance, singing and drama. Students will develop their confidence, motor skills and coordination whilst listening and dancing to their favourite music. Creative freestyle moves, character work and beats and rhythm of music with dance props such as percussion instruments, ribbons and pom poms makes this a fun and exciting class for all involved! Parents / carers remain in the class and have the opportunity to either watch or dance along with their children.
Information is up-to-date: 19.05.2011
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Unbelievable price on Mini Funk Dance Class in Queanbeyan (Australia) company Impressions Dance and Fitness, Company.